
Bilder, Nachlese

Einfach, weil sie noch da waren... ein paar Bilder vom letzten Wochenende. ;o)

Finntroll »Rivfader« (»Mitnattens Widunder«, 1999)

4 Kommentare:

  1. Great photos!!! Like always... haha! And cutee cat, my cat is pregnant again...! Soon kittys xD

    1. Uh!... Not really.. xD Is too sad that she always be pregnant, for her and for us, because I can't have the kittens :(
      But I will upload a lot of photos and a los of videos! And I will try that Pelussa hasn't more babys in a time..xD

    2. hope, you will find good parents for the kittens!


Vielen Dank für´s Gespräch! ;o)